الأحد، 22 ديسمبر 2013

6 Most Common Mistakes made by bodybuilders

6  Most Common Mistakes made

by bodybuilders

Gaining massive amounts of muscle from extreme hypertrophy training demands fierce weightlifting output. Bodybuilding can be boiled down to a science when appropriately supplementing your diet with sufficient nutrients while executing a hardcore strength training regimen. However, it’s also important to develop a dedicated awareness about the most common mistakes bodybuilders make when trying to conquer an intense hypertrophy program.

# 1- Skipping Meals

Bulking has serious potential to cause your body to endure an increase in fat. Don’t be deterred from an extra layer of flab on your belly. Your body needs excess fat during the mass-building process. The body naturally uses fat from energy stores to build new lean muscle mass, which means it’s pivotal not to skip meals. Neglecting mealtime will devastate your ability to conquer your bodybuilding goals.

# 2 - Not Enough Intensity

You may find that you can cut your workout times in half, AND achieve better results by focusing on the intensity of your workouts. Keeping workouts intense ensure the muscle will reach progressive overload – which is essential for building new muscle. As much as people don’t want to hear it, workouts should not be relaxing and easy if you want to get the most out of it.

Make sure every body part is worked regularly in order to maintain symmetry and balance with your physique. Don’t forget how much more muscular a wide and thick back will make you look. Don’t avoid training your legs. Don’t neglect your rear delts Don’t neglect working your triceps for bigger arms, since they make up the majority of your arm’s mass.

# 4 - Not Resting Enough 

Recovery time is a crucial component of extreme hypertrophy training. However, the average bodybuilder typically doesn’t want to endure the treachery of a day away from the weight room. Over-training is dangerous though. Your body will naturally begin to breakdown lean muscle without sufficient rest time. Allow at least 48 consecutive hours per week without hardcore mass-building activity to enable your body to regain peak performance ability.


#  5 - Viewing supplements as a magic solution :


Some bodybuilders try to shed fat by taking carnitine and chromium, yet they fail to initiate the fat burning process by lowering their caloric consumption. Others use creatine, glutamine or branched chain amino acids to beef up, but fail to consume enough calories and proteins to stimulate a positive nitrogen balance. Supplements work to enhance a nutrition program, not to make up for poor planning and nutritional mistakes.


# 6 - Thirst

It’s no secret that protein is a key ingredient in building muscle mass, although water is equally important. Water helps supply working muscles with the proper nutrients necessary to recover, which helps fuel the mass-building process. Men’s Health recommends drinking at least 64 ounces of water everyday while evenly distributing protein intake throughout each meal to ensure steady progress.

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